Thank You Small Business Owners

May 27 / Helen Sampson

Thank You Small Business Owners
While I’m writing this during Australian Made Week, from the 24th to 30th May, supporting small Australian business owners is important year round. Small business owners are a crucial part of our economy. According to a recent Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman report, small businesses account for almost 98% of businesses in Australia, account for 35% of our GDP and employ 44% of Australia’s workforce.

Not everyone is cut out to be a small business owner. As we offer our thanks to these special folks while celebrating and supporting local makers and growers around the country, I also want to point out the kind of fortitude it takes to be a success. These exceptional individuals inspire us at the same time they are building our economy. Thank you small business owners for:

Knowing That Following Your Dream is Priceless

Following your dream is priceless but also expensive. Some small business owners mortgage their homes to follow their dreams.

Kudos for having the fortitude to make it a reality, to go for it even when it seems impossible.

Working 80 Hours to Avoid Working 40 for Someone Else

Owning a small business often means working around the clock. Even when your business is closed, you’re working on ways to improve it, market it, and serve your customers better.

You know hard work is the only way to be successful but when it’s your passion and livelihood you don’t question work/life balance because you’re working to make your life better.

Defying the Odds and Rebelling Against Convention

The easier route is to work for someone else, clock in and get pay check, even when you go on annual leave.

But you didn’t take the easy way out and you’ve traded in today’s annual leave for a future of them. Thank you for not listening to the laughs and the NOs you heard along the way.

Setting an Example and Carrying on a Tradition

Small business owners are often described as the backbone of our economy but they’re also the foundation. When driving down Main Street in a town where most of the windows are covered and the storefronts are empty, that tells a dismal story of the town to residents and visitors.

Small business owners, you keep the community’s dreams alive, as well as your own. You give us hope that our towns will continue to thrive.

Having the Courage to Try Something New

Small businesses are often able to be more agile than larger business who have to run everything through “corporate.”

You wear many hats and are tasked with knowing a little about every aspect of your business. If you weren’t versed in marketing or sales before opening your business, you will be. If you knew nothing about social media, you’ll learn. Small businesses must always be learning to thrive.

Stagnation is equal to starvation in a small business. Thank you for going outside of your comfort zone to experiment with things unknown.

Small business owners, know that your efforts do not go unnoticed. We realise you work hard so you and your family can have better lives, but you also keep the dreams of future business owners burning bright, you maintain a quality of life for our communities just by your presence, and you set an example for our children.

Let’s consider the flow-on effects of our purchasing decisions. When we buy Australian Made and Australian Grown products, we are helping to support local businesses and communities across Australia.  Together we can support one another in attaining our dreams by buying local and Aussie made, not only this week, but throughout the year.

Yours in business,

Chairperson - Business Victor Harbor

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