Long-term partnership forged to boost local economy

Oct 25 / Helen Sampson
The City of Victor Harbor has committed to a three year partnership with Business Victor Harbor that will see the two organisations work together to strengthen and grow the local economy.

Under the landmark collaboration and funding agreement that was signed this week, the local chamber of commerce is set to receive $100,000 each year for the next three years to enhance the organisation’s capacity to support local businesses.

Increasing engagement with business and industry is a key element of the City of Victor Harbor’s Economic Development Strategy, and Business Victor Harbor are well positioned to drive this.

Funding support from the Council will enable Business Victor Harbor to continue to grow as a well-governed and representative local chamber of commerce, while delivering a program of initiatives that help to support local businesses to grow the local economy.

City of Victor Harbor Mayor, Dr Moira Jenkins said that having a strong chamber of commerce is strategically important to Victor Harbor.

“A thriving chamber of commerce is essential to support local businesses. This fosters a culture of collaboration in our business community that will see everyone benefit,” said Mayor Jenkins.

“Over the past year, Business Victor Harbor has shown its capacity to be a strong advocate for local business while also collaborating with Council on a number of projects including the development of Victor Harbor’s new destination brand that will provide long term benefit to our economy.”

“Entering into a longer-term partnership with Business Victor Harbor shows Council’s commitment to support the organisation and allows for certainty in future planning.”

Business Victor Harbor Chair Michael Schubert said joining forces with Council is crucial to elevate Victor Harbor’s economy.

“Business Victor Harbor is excited to be committing to a long-term partnership with Council.”

“Our primary objective has always been to support local businesses. This agreement enables us to engage in long-term, collaborative planning for the local economy while still maintaining our independence to advocate for the needs of the local business community.”

“What we can achieve when we work in partnership is set to be demonstrated later this month with the launch of an exciting new destination brand for Victor Harbor.”

“Over the next year we are proposing to increase our engagement with local businesses through our Business Excellence Awards, an investment attraction local activity survey and by supporting the roll out of the new Victor Harbor brand.”

The funding agreement commenced in October 2021 and will expire in September 2024.
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