Granite Island Visitor Experience (GIVE) Masterplan: Business and Stakeholder Engagement

Apr 16 / Helen Sampson

The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) is developing a visitor experience master plan for Granite Island Recreation Park, which will create a vision for sustainable nature-based tourism attractions and facilities on the Island.

With the upgrade of the Granite Island Causeway, the time is right to reimagine Granite Island and create meaningful opportunities and experiences for residents and a new generation of visitors while adhering to the Island’s conservation values.

Community members and visitors are encouraged to share their ideas and help shape future opportunities for Granite Island Recreation Park. Anyone with an interest in Granite Island is encouraged to visit the YourSAy website to complete a survey or contribute to a discussion between 12 April to 21 May 2021.

The YourSAy website also provides information about other engagement opportunities including guided ranger walks of Granite Island Recreation Park (17 April at 1 pm and 3 pm – bookings are essential here, community visioning at the Victor Harbor Farmers Market (Saturday 17 April), and sharing comments at the Victor Harbor Library and the Victor Harbor Visitor Information Centre (12 April – 21 May).

A breakfast workshop for tourism industry operators and businesses associated with servicing visitors will be held on 30 April at the Bowling Club (7.30 – 9.00 am). To register your interest, email

Contributions from community and stakeholders will help grow the visitor experience on Granite Island, creating opportunities for new memories, adventures and connections. The Granite Island Visitor Experience Master Plan aims to identify accessible and inclusive spaces for the community and visitors. It will outline potential new or upgraded infrastructure projects and experiences that will bring life to the site and benefit all visitors, while adhering to the Island’s conservation values.

The Granite Island Recreation Park Visitor Experience Plan will be completed in June 2021. Handouts (size of a postcard) inviting people to contribute their ideas are available for businesses and advocates to hand out to their customers (available at Victor Harbor Library, Victor Harbor Visitor Information Centre, National Parks and Wildlife Service). If you would like handouts to be dropped off to your business please register your interest by 16 April by contacting

Important Dates

12 April to 21 May Granite Island Survey

17 April 1pm to 3pm, Guided Ranger Walks of Granite Island Recreation Park: Book HERE

17 April Community visioning at the Victor Harbor Farmers Market

29 April Business Collaboration Networking Event, Guest Speaker Siggi Frede: Book HERE

30 April Breakfast Workshop 7:30am to 9:00am:

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