Five Minute Survey to Shape Business Support

Dec 6 / Michael Schubert
Victor Harbor businesses, including their local supply chains are being asked to complete an online survey which will assist the Council and Business Victor Harbor to tailor services and programs that support the local economy.

The Annual Business Survey aims to provide Council and Business Victor Harbor with greater insight into the challenges and opportunities that exist for businesses.

The first survey was conducted in 2016, with results reviewed and analysed each year to understand changing trends in the local business environment.

As part of the survey, a standard set of questions are asked of businesses in addition to a series of topical questions. This year includes some questions about the circular economy.

City of Victor Harbor Mayor, Dr Moira Jenkins, said the Annual Business Survey provides valuable data to Council each year.

“The local and global economy has changed drastically in recent years. Businesses of all sizes have faced new challenges and every industry has needed to adapt to evolving circumstances,” said Mayor Jenkins.
“The intelligence that we gain from this survey will be critical for assisting Council to make informed decisions. It will also help us to design meaningful business support initiatives.”

“We know the success of local businesses has a flow on effect to the Victor Harbor economy overall. Businesses create jobs and economic opportunities for our community.”

“It only takes five minutes to complete the business survey, so we ask that businesses please get involved!”

The results from the survey will also be used by the Council and Business Victor Harbor to advocate for the Fleurieu Peninsula when liaising with government and non-government organisations.

Business Victor Harbor Chair, Michael Schubert, said the survey is an important research activity.
“It’s critical that key decision-makers are informed about the challenges and opportunities
that face our businesses so that resources can be appropriately allocated,” said Mr

“Business Victor Harbor encourages all local businesses to set aside five minutes of their
day to complete the survey. The information gathered is really valuable when we look at
ways to support the business community.”

The survey can be completed anonymously with no mandatory requirements for businesses
to identify themselves.

To encourage local business leaders to participate, Business Victor Harbor are providing a
local gift hamper to the value of $400 as a random prize for one lucky business who
completes the survey.

Surveys must be completed prior to close of business on Monday 19 December 2022.

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